Boldness Has Genius, Power and Magic in It!

@ 2014 Terri Wallace

This quote from Goethe has inspired me for over a decade. I found it many years back and it spoke to me about what is possible. Since then all that is precious in my life has come from the place where I throw myself, “all in”, and commit “nothing less than everything”. Continue reading “Boldness Has Genius, Power and Magic in It!”


And so why does my mind
Ask questions that have no answers
But hang around my head
Like rings of smoke from a thick
Haitian cigar

Questions about the places
I abandoned and carefully forgot
Buried in tear-stained sheets
So many years ago
When empty words held me safe
And touch was a place I did not know
But dreamed about every night

©2014 Terri Wallace


Time is Silver-Slow; Silver-Slow Wrapped in Gold

Some days my problems, and more importantly the problems of the world around me, seem too large to bear. If I am relatively conscience in that moment of despair I look outside myself and share my worries, or even my hopes which can feel small and lifeless in the face of the despair, with a friend. Otherwise, as I have learned time and time and time Continue reading “Time is Silver-Slow; Silver-Slow Wrapped in Gold”

My Definition of Art……from James Joyce

I have a quote that I wrote down many, many years ago and it has stayed true to how I feel and what I think art and any form of expression for that matter is about. It is from the book The Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce. speak of these things and to try to understand their nature, and, having understood it, to try slowly and humbly and constantly to express, to press out again, from the gross earth or what it brings forth, from sound and shape and color which are the prison gates of our soul, an image of the beauty we have come to understand – that is art.

So, I will be slowly and humbly expressing an image of the beauty I have come to understand. After all isn’t all true understanding beautiful?

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